Subsequently the decision of the President, Mahmoud Abbas, to form a National Commission for Developing the Justice Sector, a group of Civil Society Institutions concerning the Justice and Judiciary Sector, have sent a letter to the President through Dr. Jamal Muhisen, a member of Fateh’s central committee, hoping to reform the Palestinian justice system, and a serious will to develop the Justice Sector. The letter included a series of proposals to enhance the work of the National Committee and ensure the effectiveness of its work, and legal framework similar to the Arab experiences, including the importance of appointing an independent national figure to head the National Committee among qualified individuals who are fimilar with the situation of the justice sector, and are known for their integrity, independence, expertise and required professional competence. The decree did not include a chairman of the committee with the qualifications required that guarantee independence, integrity and efficiency.
The letter emphasized the importance of defining the functions of the National Committee to develop the Justice Sector, including explicity stating that it is the Committee’s function to assess the work of the Justice Sector in all its institutional and legislative aspects, identify and diagnosing weaknesses, propose solutions, measurements and recommendations to reform the Justice Sector, and to develop the performance of the judicial parties, including the Constitutional Court, the Public Prosecution and the Ministry of Justice.
Moreover, the letter also suggested granting the Commission the powers and capabilities to enable it to preform its duties as required, in particular requesting to access documents, information, and data from the relevant bodies of the Justice Sector.
President Mahmoud Abbas issued a decree early this month, in which he decided to form a National Committee for developing the Justice Sector, including both the President of the High Judicial Council, the Presidents Legal Advisor, Minister of Justice, President of the Palestinian Bar Assosication, General Director of the Independet Commission for Human Rights, and the deans of law faculty in both Birezeit University, and Al-Najah University.
Moreover, the Palestinian Bar Association, the Independent Commission for Human Rights, the Coalition for Accountability and Integrity AMAN, the NGO network, Istqlal, have all signed the letter.